For Jason contact Belle 321-247-8740
For Stefan contact Logan 321-426-0815
For HPA contact Lynne
(321) 378-1207‬
If you are a member contact your provider directly
Fax: 321-655-0339
Iron DPC attends and provides lectures with the leaders in regenerative medicine.
Below you will find links to the weekly zoom meetings to attend and study with us.
Chronic Disease Prevention and Management group
American Osteopathic Society of Integrative Medicine
American Stem Cell Physicians
American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine
Age Management Group
The Body Healthcare
Dr. Saleeby PHA
Health Revival Partners
And more!
A4M Spring Congress VIP afterparty. From left: Dr. Joseph, NP Walsh, Dr. Halasa, PA Stefan, PA Logan. Regular attendees of CDPM weekly meetings

Chronic Disease Prevention and Management is a pioneering medical specialty that focuses on developing diagnostic and therapeutic protocols to manage and prevent chronic diseases. Our mission involves restoring and modulating patients’ immune, redox, metabolic, and regenerative status.
Weekly Webinars: Join our online educational seminars every Monday at 7:30 PM EST, featuring leading speakers. https://us02web.zoom.us/w/88143779001
Find many of the non-censored lectures on youtube https://youtube.com/@salaheldinhalasa1596?si=gt_NG5osfo93vErY
Iron DPC works with CDPM- the thought leaders in medicine weekly on Monday night.

American Osteopathic Society of Integrative Medicine led by Dr. William Clearfield. Stefan and Iron DPC are regular attendees of the weekly Tuesday at 8pm meetings https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtde-upjgtEtLTA35oyb9WDXtB5MwDSQ2z#/registration
From left to right Dr. Halasa, Dr. Joseph, Dr. Patel, Dr. Clearfield, PA Stefan, PA Logan at the 2023 A4M Las Vegas conference.
You can find a compendium of lectures given by world renown experts as well as Stefan on Dr. Clearfield's website https://aosrd.org/webinars/
​You can also find more of the lectures on youtube and Rumble
8pm EST Wednesdays
Stem Cell Physicians zoom meeting
Health Revival Partners with Dr. Thomas Lewis and Dr. Harshfield
Wednesday at 8 pm EST -
All the above meetings are open for anyone to join at no cost. If you would like to join a parallel health system being developed and join in this project you would do well to join The Body Healthcare.